My Collection – Napoleonic – 1769-1797




Marqui de Lafayette

Commission for Second Lieutenant, First Division, Fourth Battalion, Dequet Company, Paris National Guard. We, Mayor of the city of Paris, with consideration to the motion put to us by the Commander-General of the Parisian National Guard and to the favorable testimony given us of the patriotic ardor, of the intelligence and of the good behavior of one Joseph Dupar, former Sergeant…we…appoint him Second-Lieutenant…to fulfill the duties attached to that rank, and enjoy all honors, rights, remuneration and emoluments attached to that rank…Executed in the Paris City Hall, September the First, seventeen hundred eighty-nine…

note: Lafayette would take part in almost all the major engagements of the American Revolution.  He believed in Revolution and not Napoleon.(Seal)




Republic of France




Minister Jean-Baptiste Bouchotte

note: This document is a Brevet of Captain to citizen Charles Claude François Chambon and dated the 19th of April 1793.




General Francios de Baussancourt

note: This is a 125 page journal detailing military orders issued to General Baussancourt during the period of April through August 1793.  Baussancourt also served in the American Revolution.

Baussancourt, général de brigade, prit de bonne heure le parti des armes; et s’étant distingué en diverses occasions, il obtint de grade de général de brigade.  Employé à l’armée du Nord, sous le général Custine, il y commandait l’avant-garde, le 23 Mai 1793, lorsque le Autrichiens marchaient sur Bouchain.  Il combattit avec beaucoup de valeur, et parvint à repousser l’ennemi.  Ayant été destitué quelque temps après comme noble, il en mourut de chagrin, à l’âge de 46 ans.  Il comptait alors 18 campagnes.

Baussancourt, brigadier general, and has been distinguished on several occasions, he received a grade of brigadier general. Employed by the Northern Army, under General Custine, he commanded the vanguard, on 23 May 1793, when the Austrians were marching on Bouchain. He fought with great valor, and managed to repel the enemy. Having been dismissed after some time as a noble, he died of grief, at the age of 46 years. He had 18 campaigns.(Examples One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Custine)




General Louis Baraguey D’Hilliers

21 May 1793
General Staff of the Army of the Rhine, Michaud.
He advised that in accordance with the intentions of the General in Chief, you are employed in the brigade of the 40th Regiment at Camp Lauterbourg.

note: General D’Hilliers would surrender his command during the Russian Campaign and die in disgrace in Berlin.(Baraguey D’Hilliers)




General Marquis de Louis Charles de La Motte-Ango Flers

It is ordered that Colonel Ferreaud take command of the second column of our army and lead it to our meeting on the borders of France.

note: Flers was a general during the revolution, commandant of the Eastern Pyrenees and guillotined on the 22nd of July 1794. Lannes would serve under him in the Pyrenees.




General Jean-Baptiste Boyer

The certificate that I won the last nine brumaire of the district administration of Belfort, gives me right to the bonus mentioned in Article I of the Act of 3 7bre 1793. This law (.) M’accorde apoint a third of which I enjoyed, a district paid advance. I accordingly sent to my district about this petition, support the certificate which proves my service in the 10th [Battalion] of Republican volunteer Doubs (.) J hope [citizen] representative promptly get  justice, I will répeste, objects touching the Republicans deffenseurs of the Fatherland must be on the agenda (.).”

note:  Boyer would serve as Aide-de-Camp to Lannes during the Italian Campaign.  He would die from wounds received at Leipzig.(One, Two, Three)




General Francois de Chasseloup

note:  This is a document by Chasseloup while with the Army of Moselle and dated the 2nd of October 1794.  He was one of Napoleon’s best military engineers.(Cover, Chasseloup)




Marshal Pierre-Francois-Charles Augereau

General Louis-Andre Bon

We the members of the Board of Directors Battalion, certify that Citizen sub lieutenant native of St. Paul District Gers Department of the Pyrénées Orientales has served in that body since the 8th of May 1793(4-5) as a sub lieutenant and he has always behaved as a brave soldier, and he has given, in all occasions, non-equivocal evidence of his courage and his devotion to the republic. Marseille year 1795

note: Augereau was one of Napoleon’s Marshals and the document is dated 1795. General Bon was a veteran of the American Revolution and he would be killed while storming a breach during the Siege at Acre. Marshal Lannes and Pech fought side by side against Spain.(Augereau, Augereau, Siege at Acre)




Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte

Army of Sambre Meuse
Headquarters of Nasseau
September 1, 1795
In the name of Law and the Loyalty of the French People. It is forbidden to any military man and to any other person to indulge into any excess or violence towards Bailiff Weiss, living at Berg Nasseau. Whoever will dare to make an attempt to the persons or the properties will be indicted to the War Council, and punished exemplarily. Pillage is prohibited; he that will make himself guilty of that, will be considered an enemy of the Republic, and repressed in consequence.
General of Division

note: Bernadotte was a one of Napoleon’s Marshals and would end his long life as the King of Sweden.(Bernadotte, Bernadotte)



Marshal Francois Christophe Kellermann

State of the sums paid from the 300,000F and 500,000F funds granted to the representatives anf generals of the Army of the Alps, by the orders of the Committees of Public Salute and of finances, gathered on the dates of Messidor 6th and Fructidor 12th.
(Paid) on orders from Rept (Representative) Réal and Gal (General) Moulin 771,959. 19.6
(Paid) on warrants from General Kellermann 11,040. .
Remains available from the above mentionned funds 17, . .6
50,000F funds destined to the secret expenses, granted by order of the Committees of finances and Public salute gathered on the date of Messidor 6th 50,000 F
Out of which has been paid on warrants from General Kellermann 40,000F
Remains available 10,000F
500,000F funds granted by order of the Committees of finances and Public salute gathered on the date of Vendemiaire 7th
Note. Representative Real, in his letter of 7 Frimaire, divided this fund in two equal parts, he put 250,000F at the disposal of the General in Chief and 250,000F, at the disposal of the Chief Ordonnateur (?). The part at the disposal of the General in Chief is whole……250,000F
Certified true copy
The General in Chief of the Army of the Alps

note: Kellermann was a cavalry man and one of Napoleon’s Marshals. He was a veteran of the Seven Years War. During the early years of the revolution he would win a key battle at Valmy.(Kellermann, Kellermann, Kellermann at Valmy)




General Barthelemy Louis Joseph Scherer

It is permitted thay citizens Andreossy, commander in chief of the military of Eastern Pyrenees, to go to Narbonne for business.

note: This is a document by General Scherer while serving in the army of the Eastern Pyrenees. The document is dated the 9th of September 1795. Lannes would serve under Scherer in the Pyrenees and follow him to Italy.




General Claude Carra Saint-Cyr

note: This is a part of a document by General Claude Carra Saint-Cyr while with the Army of the Alps at Grenoble, and dated the 23rd of December 1795. He was a veteran of the American Revolution. The General would fight at Aspern-Essling along the side of General Gabriel-Jean-Joseph Molitor(1770-1849) and General Claude-Juste-Alexander-Louis Legrand(1762-1815).(Molitor, Legrand, Battle of Essling)




General Jean Antoine Etienne Championnet

…I remember, my dear General, that the day after the Battle of  Hochstaedt you requested at Attesdorf to make a report to the Directorate with my report, all the general orders that you gave up to date since you had taken command of the army.

note: This is a document by General Championnet who fought at the Battle of Fleurus on June 26, 1794. This battle would be one of the first victory’s for the French since the outbreak of war, and a much needed boost during a period of time when France’s enemies were attacking on all sides. The document is to General Kleber(Battle of Hochstaedt) and dated the 19th of December 1796.(Battle of Fleurus, Kleber)




Colonel Jean Francois Marpaude

note: This is a service certificate for Jean Francois Marpaude, while serving in Army of Sambre and Meuse. The certificate list his promotions, campaigns, and wounds. It is signed by the Administration Council and dated the 20th of February 1796.

Paris, 7 avril 1801

Le chef de brigade Marpaude demande une indemnité pour payer ce qu’il doit au général Lannes et pour se rendre dans son pays. Il prie le premier Consul de donner des ordres pour que le jeune Colignon, dont le père a été tué à Saint-Jean-d’Acre, soit admis au Prytanée Renvoyé au général Lannes pour lui donner ce dont il a besoin, et lever toutes les difficultés qui s’opposent à l’entrée du citoyen Colignon au Prytanée. Je rendrai au général Lannes tout ce qui sera nécessaire.

Paris, 7 April 1801

The chief Brigadier Marpaude seeks compensation for what it must pay to General Lannes and to his country. He asks the first Consul to give orders to the young Colignon, whose father was killed in Saint-Jean-d’Acre or admitted to Prytanée Returned to General Lannes to give him what he needs, and remove all difficulties in entering the citizen to Colignon Prytanée. I will report to General Lannes whatever is necessary.(



Marshal Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune

“…Officer present at the termination of the battalion which showed the greatest obedience to orders received and the greatest zeal for the surrendering of arms…”

note: Brune was one of Napoleon’s Marshals.  This is a certificate confirming the dismissal of Captain Lacmadoux, the 3rd Battalion of the 1st half-brigade of the Legion of Police, and dated the 30th of May 1796.(Brune, Brune)




General Charles Pierre de Lamer

note: Lamer was a veteran of the American revolution and the document is dated the 5th of September 1796. He would recommend Lannes to Augereau. General Lamer would go missing during the Russian Campaign.(Cover, Augereau)




General Martin Vignolle

I have no doubt that this individual has been instructed by an employee in the Office the War of the receipt of your paper by the minister. But I have no problem sending your proxy.  When you record that the minister has actually received it you will enjoy its offerings. The aide-de-camp Gal Millet said that the General received your letter and my recommendation and he would take care of your case, although no longer head of the 3rd Division it will move to the Bureau of Pensions. If within a few days, their is no response from General Berthier, we shall repeat. Give the most precise orders to all commanders of places that are under your orders and return the command to the officer sent by the Minister of the Republic Cisalpine, all different commanders have to be removed.

note: General Vignolle served throughout the Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.(Reverse, Vignolle)




Georges-René Pleville Le Pelley

note: This document by the Minister of Marine concerns a naval appointment and dated the 19th of July 1797.(Reverse)




General Jean-Phillippe-Raymond Dorsner

note: The document by General Dorsner while Inspector of the Artillery Department of the Rhine and dated the 25th of October 1797.




General Jean-Baptiste Cervoni

General Antoine Joseph Veaux

note: The document concerns the service of a soldier who fought in the American Revolution and the Italian Campaign. During the Austrian Campaign Cervoni was Lannes’s Chief of Staff and he would be killed at Eckmuhl. General Veaux would be wounded at Acre with Lannes.(Cervoni, Siege at Acre)




Marshal Pierre-Francois-Charles Augereau

note:  Augereau was one of Napoleon’s Marshals.  The document is a retirement request for François Pifler in the Army of Italy with signed approval by Augereau.(Reverse, Seal)




French Officer
circa 1790

note:  This is a miniature portrait of a French Infantry Officer on ivory.(Reverse)